Day Two – Tuesday 17 January 2012

I woke up at 11:30AM after getting about 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I felt extremely well-rested throughout the day – not overly energized, just awake and alert, like it should be.  However, at about 9:00PM, I completely crashed.  I thought if I didn’t get to a bed immediately I might collapse.  I couldn’t do that, though, because I was at a late-night class.  I toughed it out and the fatigue wore of within 20 minutes.  I’m not attributing any of this to the diet because it’s only the second day.  My energy levels will probably be more affected by my food intake after three or four more days.  I didn’t notice a drastic mood change between yesterday and today.  I felt very depressed last night for no apparent reason, but when I woke up today, I was ready to take on the world.  Again, that is not likely due to my diet change; it is more likely due to the hangover I had yesterday and the absence of that hangover today.

I’m already craving sweets! I don’t know if it’s the absence of my standard comfort foods in my diet (complex carbohydrates), or if it’s just in my head.  I’ll keep tabs on my cravings, and hopefully find some paleo dessert recipes to help with that.

All in all, nothing too new happened today.


2:00PM – Primal Meatloaf, 1 hearty slice

6:45PM – Primal Meatloaf, 1 slice heartier than the first


1 Vlasic Zesty Dill Pickle
1 small handful of pine nuts
1 small handful of almonds

Can you tell I was in the mood for meat today? The meatloaf turned out HUGE, so I see myself using that as my lunches and dinners for the next few days, at least.  When I got home from my class, around 10:15, I felt hungry enough to eat another large slice of the meatloaf, but I settled for a small-ish snack, and about 10 minutes after eating it, I felt satisfied.



For time:

100 Double-Unders
50 Thrusters (33lbs)
30 Pull-Ups

Time: 19:51

Day One – Monday 16 January 2012


6:30PM – Smoothie

1/2 cup of coconut milk
1/2 cup of coconut water
1/2 of an avocado
1 Granny Smith apple
3 egg yolks


handful of cashews

9:45PM – Chipotle Salad Bowl

tomato (mild) salsa
medium salsa
I didn’t get the fajita vegetables but I definitely will next time.



How many rounds can you do in 8 minutes of:

4 ring dips
40′ walking lunges with 15lb barbell

My score: 3+1

Push Press: 33/3, 53/3, 58/3, 63/3, 68/3, 73/3

I didn’t wake up until 4 in the afternoon due to a hangover, so it was a little pointless to try to keep track of energy levels or anything else.  I’m still counting it as the first day because I technically followed the diet.